Tuesday, July 25, 2017

wareHOUSE(2) 2113 greenleaf (PROJECT UPDATE 7.25.2017)


evanston, IL 60202

adas/spatz properties

PROJECT UPDATE (7.25.2017):
INTERIOR/EXTERIOR DEMOLITION is 99% complete. SAWCUTTING of the existing interior concrete floor for underground PLUMBING system is also past tense. Concurrently, CONCRETE demolition work with slab removal in the west addition has been completed. MASONRY, underground PLUMBING, ORNAMENTAL IRON and the new 1200 amp ELECTRIC service are in full swing since the project is large enough for multiple trades on site. The CARPENTERS are working on the exterior infill framing and roof preparation so we are enclosed and water tight for winter.

*MATT has revised the projects critical path which has put us 2 weeks ahead of schedule.

NEXT…MORE of same.

Enjoy the photos and video…ANDY

DEMOLITION: abandoned chimney being removed.

DEMOLITION: stainless steel chimney liner has been removed and will be recycled.

DEMOLITION: 1960 era steel entry stair is being removed by peter.

concrete SAWCUTTING: aligning saw for first cut.

concrete SAWCUTTING: water for cooling the blade is integral to the process.

CONCRETE: the slab is broken into manageable chunks.

CONCRETE: the broken slab is being taken to a dump truck. recycling to follow.

CONCRETE: the recycling plant awaits.

CONCRETE: ready for the plumbers.

CARPENTRY: bathroom/kitchen wall templates are being installed for the plumbers for precise fixture location.

CARPENTRY: templating is nearly complete.

PLUMBING: excavating for underground plumbing waste lines has begun.

PLUMBING: izzy worked with us on the 1900 greenwood project...similar layout.

PLUMBING: all PVC riser locations were located by matt & izzy, notice layout marks on wood.

PLUMBING: installation started at existing interior waste tie in (low point) and pitches N to S.

PLUMBING: tidy design and installation.
CARPENTRY: non-load bearing walls have been stripped and ready to go.
CARPENTRY: new unit 9-15 entries are being framed. the 6'x20' area between the 4' high concrete wall is glass.
CARPENTRY: framing continues.

CARPENTRY: the header between the entry door and tall windows is temporarily flashed during construction. tomek, marek & karol make up this 3 man crew.
CARPENTRY: densglass fire rated sheathing is used on the exterior. it can be exposed for up to 6 months.
MASONRY: temporary shoring in place. brick wall will be removed and replaced.
MASONRY: brick wall is being removed. most of the brick will be reused.
ORNAMENTAL IRON: the existing steel stair is being detached and move toward the truck in the background.
ORNAMENTAL IRON: humberto and cyrus are lowering the stair to a dolly while they frame the new opening.
ORNAMENTAL IRON: new opening is being framed using the existing steel from the original location.
ORNAMENTAL IRON: new opening is complete, existing stair is being reinstalled.
ORNAMENTAL IRON: relocated...notice the unpainted concrete block as reference for stairs previous location.
ELECTRICAL: new 1200 amp service equipment being installed by eugene & stas.
ELECTRICAL: (4) 3" underground pipes feed the building...(3) for power, (1) for communications.
CARPENTRY: looking NW, densglass sheathing continues.
MODEL: looking NW.

project update: 7.12.2017

concrete slab removal

shoring masonry wall

underground plumbing system

steel stair relocation & install