Thursday, November 30, 2017

wareHOUSE(2) 2113 greenleaf (PROJECT UPDATE 11.29.2017)

evanston, IL 60202
adas/spatz properties

PROJECT UPDATE (11.29.2017): 

The CARPENTERS have been framing interior partitions. The units on the west side of the service corridor have been completed (units 1-5). The east side (units 6-15) is about 70% finished and should be 100% in the next 3 weeks per schedule. They have also completed the skylight installation. 

The mechanical trades (PLUMBING, HVAC & ELECTRICAL) have been following our usual chase the CARPENTERS sequencing. The PLUMBERS are 95% complete with the waste, vent and water lines and have started the gas piping which will be covered in the next project update. The HVAC contractor has set all of the roof top units. The ELECTRICIANS are nearly complete with power and communication conduit that feed each unit. They are now well into the individual unit’s conduit installation. 

The WINDOW contractor is 95% complete with the exterior entry doors and window install. Exterior caulking will be completed once the EIFS finish coat has been applied in spring. CONCRETE GRINDING has been completed on the 2nd floor as part of the pre-drywall work in unit 6.
Per Matt’s schedule, we are 100% enclosed for winter. Drywall starts after Christmas and chases the mechanical trades …  

Enjoy the photos and video…ANDY

CARPENTERS: unit 8/9 demising wall is being framed. 2x8 material is used. the splayed portion will add interest to the adjacent units...a twofer.
CARPENTERS: work continues.
CARPENTERS: view from unit 9. notice the 10' break-thru which allows combining units.
CARPENTERS: units 8/9 are ready for 2nd level mezzanines. steel angles are used for support at demising walls. I-joists have also been delivered.
CARPENTERS: a laser is used for 2x8 demising wall layout. 2x8's are used for straightness since the wall is 22' tall. additional sound insulation is benefit.
CARPENTERS: note the red laser dot on the ceiling.
CARPENTERS: layout complete...repeat.
CARPENTERS: unit 4 framing is complete, plumbing has been roughed, next the electrical.
CARPENTERS: framing a low partition in unit 6.
CARPENTERS: the bottom plate is notched so that the studs can be "let in" to the framing below. this technique makes the finished product very stiff.
CARPENTERS: studs "let in" to framing.
CARPENTERS: we needed to remove/replace the 6x8 wood columns in units 14/15 that had been extended. we re-pitched the roof for better drainage concurrently (see video below).
CARPENTERS: removed wood columns, ready for re-purposing.
CARPENTERS: columns complete. the roof joists were also reinforced to support the roof top HVAC unit (RTU).
CARPENTERS: bathroom and utility room walls have been framed. marek is attaching steel angles to receive I-joists for 2nd floor mezzanine.
CARPENTERS: marek is installing lag bolts through the steel angles into the demising wall.
CARPENTERS: kris is installing I-joists.
CARPENTERS: unit 8 mezzanine I-joists and plywood subfloor installed.
WINDOWS: glass being installed in unit entry on west side.
WINDOWS: a rubber mallet is used to snap the aluminum stop in place.
WINDOWS: dense plastic shim are use as part of the process.
WINDOWS: roberto is caulking the intersection between the fixed glazing frame and the operating unit.
WINDOWS: roberto's close up.
CONCRETE GRINDING: the 2nd floor finished floor was going to be a vinyl strip system. upon removal of the existing 12x12 vinyl tile during demolition, we discovered the substrate to be standard concrete. we decided to then grind the concrete so we could use the same food service grade water based epoxy finish as elsewhere.
HVAC: roof top units (RTU) are craned for installation.
HVAC: almost there.
HVAC: now the cart.
HVAC: placed on curb.
ELECTRICAL: 1 1/4" unit service feeds being installed on "the bridge".
ELECTRICAL: pull boxes for wire distribution to 1 1/4" unit service feeds on bridge above.
ELECTRICAL: 100amp unit service panel on right with 8"x8" communications feed on left.
ELECTRICAL: service feed being installed for unit 6 on 2nd floor.
PLUMBING: water line coupling being soldered.
PLUMBING: waterline pipe being measured.
PLUMBING: ziggy is having a good hat day. cordless tools are used for most tasks now.
MODEL: looking NW from greenleaf.

wood column replacement in units 14/15
floor grinding in unit 6
entry door glass installation
glass installation in unit 6
HVAC roof top unit installation

Monday, October 16, 2017

wareHOUSE(2) 2113 greenleaf PROJECT UPDATE 10.15.2017

evanston, IL 60202
adas/spatz properties

PROJECT UPDATE (10.15.2017):   
ROOFING work is 99% complete. Flashing the mechanical trades penetrations to follow once those trades (PLUMBING, HVAC & ELECTRICAL) are finished. The CARPENTERS have been alternating between framing interior partitions, EIFS and roofing related work. They keep the project “humming”. The PLUMBERS are back on the job installing above grade waste/vent piping. The MASON contractor has also returned infilling various openings that needed to wait. Additionally, the HVAC and WINDOW contractors are now on site.    
Per Matt’s schedule, we should be 100% enclosed in the next 2 weeks.

NEXT…SKYLIGHT installation…PLUMBING, HVAC, WINDOWS & CAPRENTRY continue...lots of activity.

Enjoy the photos and video…ANDY

ROOFING: 4 buildings/roofs make up this project. The one in the background needed a "tear off" whereas the others  did not. Each roof received a 4.5" polyiso insulation system which was mechanically adhered and glued to the existing substrate. The new waterproof TPO (thermoplastic olefin) membrane is glued to the insulation using a waterproof contact cement system (insulation & membrane both receive glue). The white color reflects the sunlight reducing thermal shock to the system.
ROOFING: The "tear off" involves sawcutting several roofs into manageable sections.

ROOFING: the parapets are also a mess with the top courses of brick needing rebuilding.
ROOFING: tedious and heavy work.
ROOFING: Simultaneously with the tear off, insulation & membrane have been stocked. the 2 plastic covered raised boxes will receive skylights.
ROOFING: insulation has been installed and the TPO membrane has been laid out for gluing, only enough insulation is installed that can be roofed in a single day as not to get saturated by rain.
ROOFING: insulation installed, membrane in process.
ROOFING: membrane in process.
ROOFING: a 2-part epoxy system adheres the insulation to the substrate.
ROOFING: the back side of the TPO is being glued.
CARPENTRY: 2x12 treated wood caps the repaired masonry parapet walls. an aluminum flashing system will be installed to finish the tops.
ROOFING: "tear off" complete. HVAC rooftop curbs have been installed...insulation/roofing to follow.
ROOFING: the 6' wall at this building intersection has been insulated...membrane gluing in process. FYI, the orange "X" is a cut out below so DON'T step there!
ROOFING: work continues.

ROOFING: overlapping in the direction of drainage is a primary waterproofing concept. a special tool insures complete adhesion at this intersection.
ROOFING: the tear off area is being insulated at roof deck and parapet. notice the 2x12 treated lumber wall caps.
ROOFING: tapered insulation has been installed to insure positive flow to the roof drains. site the edge between the rear parapet/roof deck to see the roof drainage pitch.
ROOFING: this section is nearly finished.
ROOFING: the building adjacent to the 6' wall previously shown has received TPO. the rolling insures a positive contact cement bond between the membrane and insulation.
ROOFING: more TPO being readied for gluing.
ROOFING: curb cutout prior to adhesive application.
ROOFING: insulation installed on last section. TPO install starting at gutter (low point of roof).
ROOFING: waterproof contact adhesive is being rolled onto the insulation at low point.notice the treated 2x6 wood nailer for the gutter installation is in the upper right hand corner of the pic.
ROOFING: the roof edge at the masonry wall is ready for aluminum flashing that finishes the edge. TPO continues on the lower roof.
ROOFING: the aluminum L-shaped cap snaps into the sheetmetal below. notice how the TPO membrane overlaps (counterflashes) the sheetmetal. this keeps thing dry.
ROOFING: almost done. this skylight curb is being flashed. again, the heat gun is part of the process.

ROOFING: heat gun and roller. similar process as a sheet vinyl floor installation.
ROOFING: completed for now. the roofers will be back to waterproof the mechanical trade (PLUMBING, HVAC, ELECTRIC) penetrations.
ROOFING: aluminum retention bar counterflashing is mechanically fastened to the masonry. caulking is installed at the aluminum/masonry intersection.
CARPENTRY: tomek is framing the transom which will daylight the bathroom in unit 3.
CARPENTRY: marek & tomek are the exterior wall in unit 4.
CARPENTRY: the utility corridor is also being framed. 2x8's are used for additional sound insulation and the material is straighter for the longer spans adding to the quality of the end product.
CARPENTRY: kris & hubert are installing unit 10 demising wall. notice the rooftop HVAC unit supply/return drop.
EIFS: jack & geraldo are prepping the opening we left clear for oversized material deliveries...done with that.
PLUMBING: temporary downspouts needed to be used for now,
PLUMBING: 4' flexible pipe was connected to the new roof drains installed in this 2 unit section of the building.
PLUMBING: looks good to matt.
PLUMBING: ziggy & janusz are installing a 2" kitchen sink drain line in unit 4...the plumbers are back.   
PLUMBING: bath & utility room waste and vent complete.
WINDOWS: first delivery.
WINDOWS: unit entries and glass frames are being installed on the south elevation.all exterior entry doors are 3'-6" wide as is our usual standard.

WINDOWS: nino & roberto are installing the aluminum frames, glazing to follow.
WINDOWS: roberto is installing the side dam portion of the sill pan which is set at the bottom of every window opening to prevent water infiltration.
WINDOWS: this entry door assembly was fabricated in reverse. fortunately the system allows reversing. 
HVAC: rooftop units (RTU) suppy/return drops can be installed now that the RTU curbs are in place. 

CARPENTRY: Kris describes roof related carpentry work
ROOFING: TPO sheet installation
ROOFING: TPO sheet installation 
CARPENTRY: Kris describes mechanically fastening into steel lintel