PROJECT UPDATE (11.9.2009):
Pre-drywall construction continues.
The carpenters have the unit interiors 95% framed as well as the protruding skylight curbs and exterior mechanical flashings. The roof is 100% ready for the waterproof membrane. Most of the windows and glass unit entry doors have been installed. NEXT…exterior fenestration. The electricians instead of the plumbers were the first mechanical trade to start their interior work. The designated “pipe chase” location for their electrical panels/feeds and communication conduit required the switch. Adaptive re-use is different than new construction. Exterior service work is nearly complete and wire has been pulled to the panels. Individual units will be started as soon as matt returns from maternity assistance leave, later this week. The plumbers zoomed through most of the waste, vent and water piping. Once the roof is finished, they will return to tie in the water piping to the service, complete the vent piping through the roof and tie in the roof drain system to the city sewer. Pipe chase related HVAC work has also been completed. The air conditioning line sets have been installed. Roof penetrations for the furnace and water heater flues have been located for each unit. NEXT TIME… the roof insulation/waterproofing system, wrapping up the mechanical trades and the exterior skin.
ANDY (enjoy the fotos)
MASONS touch-up glass block @ unit entries
CARPENTERS are getting ready to start loft framing.
MASONS touch-up glass block mortar joints @ unit entries
MATT'S for "notching" the aluminium mullion caps around the fasteners @ all entries
CARPENTERS kris & radek are installing clip angles to support loft framing. drywall is installed 1st to maintain 1h rating at demising wall
CARPENTERS 2x12 hemp fir joists are doubled (glued/nailed) to clear span the space and provide a stiff floor
CARPENTERS joists are about ready for 3/4" sturdifloor plywood subfloor
CARPENTERS the lift becomes the plywood elevator
ELECTRICIANS 1 1/4" conduit is used to feed circuit panels and pull communication wiring to the unit. This occupies the middle "pipe chase" layer on the masonry. The green vertical unistrut clamping system keeps things tidy. The electrical service is located behind the masonry wall
ELECTRICIANS pipe chase wall is complete. communications conduit is extended to the individual individual units
ELECTRICIANS electrical panel wiring is being pulled back to the service
PLUMBING waste/vent piping (white PVC) occupies the middle layer. The top pipe (vent) needs to be at 42" which is below the bottom electical feeds
PLUMBING laundry box is being piped. No need for this with office users, but it's easier to do this now...building usage changes
PLUMBING water supplies for bathroom shower/tub are being installed
CARPENTERS protruding skylight curbs are protected with plastic which is removed prior to starting roofing work. a 6" section of roofing was removed around the curb perimeter so the framing can sit directly against the existing wood deck. The balance of the existing roof membrane was
temporarily retained to keep the building dry
CARPENTERS tomek is removing the existing roof membrane inside the skylight prior to removing the roof deck
CARPENTERS removing the existing roof deck inside the skylight
CARPENTERS matt, kris and radek are laying out the roof flashing locations for the plumbing vent, unit furnaces and water heater. 3 holes/unit
CARPENTERS build up done, flashings being installed
CARPENTERS abandoned roof deck openings from a previous “incarnation” are patched to match the existing
NEW MANAGEMENT matt's lame excuse for abandoning his post. congrads to leane and madeline stryker berry born 11.7.09